English Articles


Homeopathic Evidences:
Reports on cured cases of severe psychiatric diseases

Author : Dr. Carlos Néstor Cámpora.
Degrees: Medical Doctor
Master in Homeopathy - Specialised in Internal Medicine
Director of Fundación Médica Homeopática Vitalis

Postal Address: Billinghurst 649 (CP C1174ABK),
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires,

Telephone: 54 221 4216815.
E-mail: cncampora@infovia.com.ar


Research based on high-quality case reports is one of the most useful tools to understand and improve the quality of homeopathic prescriptions. A series of cured severe psychiatric cases is presented, highlighting the appropriate handling of this type of patients to obtain better results in daily practice.

Keywords: high-quality case reports; case analysis; psychiatric cases; evidence-based medicine; homeopathy.


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